Tuesday 26 March 2013

Tuesday 26th March 2013

Bianca goes to report Liam missing but he's with DA YOUFFFF and about to do a stupid stunt to impress them. Meanwhile, Walford PD seem fairly unconcerned about Liam disappearing - until Bianca mentions DA YOUFFFFFFFF!

The best time of year to attempt dangerous stunts - such as walking along a narrow ledge - is apparently the middle of winter but despite this added level of difficulty, a stunt double dressed in the same clothes is able to complete the task with ease... funny none of the gang noticed them changing places?

Arfuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr's moral dilemma continues... but who cares?

Liam's gang initiation continues by smashing a car window as Bianca sings his praises to the Walford fuzz but using the old "Who said anything about a murder?"style of interrogation, Bianca makes in abundantly obvious that her son is messed up in a gang. A gang that is apparently the Walford equivalent of the Crays and of course, how else should this resolve than Bianca shouting?

More YOUFFFFFFFFF antics as Liam steals some vodka before the gang runs rampant on the hell estate but there's ANOTHER part to his initiation. DUN DUN DUN!

Sharon's heart IS in her relationship to Jack. Oh, thank goodness for that.

Bianca is running around frantically asking people if they've seen Liam and guess who she should run into? Ava! What are the chances of that, eh? She moans about the police asking questions and then Ava tries to help her but when that goes wrong, Bianca falls back on her prime directive. SHOUTING! Because volume directly equates to drama.

Arfuuuuuuuuur's moral dilemma is escalated when the wife appears to collect her poorly husband's suitcases. Even with the blatant attempts at emotional manipulation, it's still hard to see anyone caring.

Ava tells Bianca that Liam clearly is in trouble and that he needs tough love and that gangs are terrible... stuff you'd think a mother living in inner city London would probably know.

Jean's cake saga continues and now Ian wants in on the suddenly lucrative cake market!

It's still going on, Arfuuuuuuur's situation is about to get worse as the wife offers a reward but it turns out the letter Pointless Poppy got the address from was for his solicitor! DUN DUN DUN!

Liam tries to rob the not-in-anyway-KFC but Shirley is well aware her hide isn't going to be pierced by a knife and so easily discovers who it is. He apologises and she gives him some money but tells him that DA YOUFFF aren't his friends! Then the police appear and they all scarper.

Oh and apparently the sickly husband was going to divorce his wife... so, that makes Arfuuuuuuuuuurrr's theft OK. Somehow. Maybe.

Shirley tells Bianca of the attempted crime of the century as Liam is inducted into the gang and finally, Bianca demonstrates some semblance of sense by going to the police to tell them about Tamwar getting mugged.

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