Friday 15 March 2013

Friday 15th March 2013

As if ten episodes in two weeks wasn't punishment enough, Eastenders has incorporated itself into the mawkish festival of Comic Relief this evening... so viewers are advised to at LEAST double their usual alcohol intake before even attempting to circumnavigate the self-congratulatory celebrity salvatores...

We get the last few moments of yesterday's episode with Bianca discovering Liam amongst DA YOUFFFFFF. In a subversion of expectation, when Liam blurts out that Bianca is his mother some of the multi-ethnic gang members tell him to respect his mother.

But things get immediately less amicable when she threatens to call the police. Ruhroh! Misery Guts and Twitney decide that the only thing better than one woman alone on a hellish council estate in the dead of night are THREE of them. Genius. People in horror films act more rationally than this.

Bianca decides to keep telling the gang about her plans to inform the police of their complicity in the mugging - really, that's just a great idea... provoke people you already know don't shy away from violence - but it doesn't seem as if Liam is paying much attention, standing gormlessly at the back of the group. The group even burst into laughter when Bianca tells him that she's making cottage pie.

But Liam stays with DA YOUFF, leading the ginger whinger to "attack" the gang leader, resulting in her being "thrown" to the ground but as this estate is apparently designed with more linearity than the first Super Mario game - Misery Guts and Twitney manage to find Bianca JUST as DA YOUFF (with Liam in tow) make an exit.

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