Saturday 1 June 2013

Friday 31st May 2013

Tanya has a strange exchange with Max about their relationship with the kids, which seems weird and awkward.

Lauren has been hanging out in the Vic since her rampage when approximately ten seconds later the busies turn up to arrest her. Lauren's generic tantrum starts as they drag her off... What Walford PD lack in competence, they made up for in speed, eh?

Alice clearly feel bad about going being Janine's back with Scarlet - dun dun dun!

Abi runs over to tell her mother about Lauren's arrest - her plan has been working out so well! Oh and don't tell Max!

Ava has an awkward moment of "bonding" with Dexter which is spoilt by the spectre of Deadbeat Dad.

Ohoh, Tanya's genius plan to keep Max in the dark has gone tits up when The Lips tells him all about it.

Down at the cop shop, Tanya demands to see her daughter but what with Lauren being an adult she doesn't have a right to do so.

Count Moonula's demands are getting more... demanding. Apparently he wants to see his daughter every day now. You'd think the fact that they meet in the Vic and the park would mean they'd get rumbled in days...

Misery Guts Carol seems in an uncharacteristically good mood - this can only mean the clouds oh dour are gatherin'...

Max arrives at the police station and immediately starts having a go at Tanya - a shouting match in a police station, GENIUS! Things are only broken up by the timely intercession of an uncharacteristically assertive Abi.

Sharon gets some unexpected help from Shirley, actually given her current issue is with Phil - it's not really unexpected as Shirley seems to exist purely to involve herself in Phil-centric storylines these days.

Ian, Lucy and Joey turn up to the police station with Ian back to his original joyless penny pinching incarnation, wanting to charge Lucy... with Max of course making of a fairly serious assault and criminal damage. Then right next to the duty officer he announces he wants to have a word with Lucy because THAT isn't a serious criminal offence!

Half-Day Alice's guilt builds as Janine gives her a gift certificate for Booty's!

Misery Guts Carol's good mood has apparently evaporate like thin spittal off a hot stove.

Abi asks Tanya why she won't let Max help probably because he's an idiot?

Sharon tells Shirley a pack of lies about how she lives with her mistakes (sure you do).

Half-Day Alice attempts to break off her arrangement with Count Moonula but he uses his vampiric hypnotism on her. It's super effective.

Ava confesses to Cora that she told Deadbeat Dad to leave but then almost kissed him - that might be what we call a mixed signal. Cora settles on the profound advice of telling her daughter to either give Sam another chance or tell him to go. Wise words.

Max does some none too subtle witness tampering where else but right outside the police station!

Carol makes an appoint with the doctor DUN DUN DUN!

Shirley does her generic "Phil bad" rant to Sharon.

Max announces his witness tampering IN the police station but then Joey suddenly blurts out to Lucy that she provoked Lauren and then they both decide that they're not going to press charges... oh and despite half the Square seeing this, they were THE ONLY WITNESSES! GRITTY REALISM! I guess CCTV hasn't quite made it into the medieval borough of Walford.

Klepto-Alice adds some more thieved goods to her magpies nest.

Ava tells Sam to sling his hook which leads to them kissing.

Lauren gets off with a Caution... oops. She really shouldn't have accepted that without legal advice as they can have serious implications for international travel and certain professional field.

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