Monday 24 June 2013

Monday 24th June 2013

It seems as if the Brannings are having a birthday for Abi... they're clearly not that worried about Lauren then. Although, apparently they're not having alcohol so they're not being completely idiotic... and Kirstie sneakily buys tampons in the shop... lucky for her one she went in when it was one of the mute shop assistants but as soon as she walks out, she sees Max! Ruhroh! Oh and he isn't too happy about Carl having turned up.

Oh and Lauren didn't return home last night but Max immediately decides it was down to Peter.

One scene of Tanya snubbing Joey later, Caveman Max seems to have evolved by a few thousand years as he's now fine with Peter sleeping with his daughter... make up your mind, man! Evil Lucy covers for Peter and says Lauren wasn't drinking and other such lies to placate Max.

In a shocking twist, Tamwar seems vaguely relevant to a plot as he finds Lauren's bag. DUN DUN DUN!

Time for a face off between Max and Carl! Oh, that was anticlimactic.

Alice seems to have taken umbrage at Carl lying to her and demands whether she appears gullible and then they're best friends by the time he regales her with the tale of how he and Derek came to know one another. Then Joey comes in to menace Carl but Carl uses the old "You remind me of him." Which is pretty much his one weakness.

Poxy is stressing about not having  immediately gotten preggers... jeez, it hasn't even been a month!

In a scene that is unintentionally comic, Max and Tamwar have a conversation in which it takes both of them more than a full minute to recognise one another... Dohohoh. This combined with Joey talking allows the dim duo of Tanya and Max to work out that Lauren was drinking and is missing.

Carl and Kat are now having lunch together... good grief, she's yo-yoing a lot!

Evil Lucy and Peter hide from the dim duo but eventually relent. Then it's all Peter's fault for some reason. If only Lauren had a family that cared about her, all of this could have been avoided but that's the beauty of Brannings - you're never short of 'em.

Max seems to be having mood swings because he goes from marching Lucy to the police station to "it'll all be fine in under a minute"... Careful Max, if you go much faster you'll get whiplash and watching this - or possibly the fact she's faking a pregnancy and her criminal ex has just reappeared - has driven her to drink. Which Max immediately smells on her - that would have been a good opportunity to come clean or at least lie and say you had a miscarriage.

Kirstie goes to the Vic to have Kat not just repeat the advice she has been giving her from the get go but out-and-out say that she's told Kirstie this plenty. Then Carl goes to have a little chat with her and gives her a creepy stalkeresque line...

Tanya is trying to cover up Lauren's drunken disappearance but that doesn't work. She really didn't need to bother telling Abi about it though because no sooner has she confessed she's ignorant as to the whereabouts of her daughter than a severely jaundiced Lauren appears... yes from alabaster white to jaundice yellow. At least Jacknocchio has the sense to suggest an ambulance but Lauren doesn't need that - SHE NEEDS A DRINK! Then she starts suffering  from the kind of vague and nebulous symptoms of most soap ailments.

Assuming this is alcohol withdrawal a number of questions need to be asked - first of all, how come she's having a serious adverse reaction NOW but didn't on the other occasions? While it is the case that attempted withdrawal can lead to an effect known as kindling wherein subsequent withdrawals become worse, there was no real indication the past few days when she hadn't been drinking were serious. More obviously - the symptoms Lauren is experiencing don't really bear any resemblance to actual alcohol withdrawal and most important of all... she seems barely capable of standing as she walks through the door... how did she manage to get home if she's apparently suffering periodic bouts of pain that render her unable to stand, let alone walk?

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