Thursday 27 June 2013

Thursday 27th June 2013

Lauren returns to the Square as Kirstie takes a break from staring out the window to stare at a wrapped cot.

It also seems that Lauren's bed has been permanently relocated to the sofa as her parents dote on her. That doesn't stop Max and Tanya having an awkward conversation which ends up with Tanya giving her ex a big box of baby stuff. Tanya also remains quite firmly uninterested in Max's help. She then runs out, leaving Abi in charge - which even Abi questions but it seems that Tanya is more concerned about a call from rehab.

Kirstie is all anxious for some reason...

Tanya is seeing a financial adviser - presumably to get the money to put Lauren into rehab. DUN DUN DUN!

Kirstie bumps into Kat, who is asking if she is preggers at which point Kat runs off to get a test. Bianca seems to think that Carl is the best thing since sliced bread for some reason...

Abi and Lauren make-up for Lauren's misconduct the other day but this turns into a bit of a pity party and then Joey comes to visit... but Abi has the sense to keep him out but that doesn't stop Lauren spying him from out the window and she's out the door like a shot and then she starts walking very slowly across the Square in search of Joey... and it's one of those few times when she doesn't instinctively know where someone is.

Time for a bit of a blazing row with Evil Lucy in the caffffffffff and she also tells Carol to shut up about her dead son - well played. Having been out of hospital for all of two minutes and having decided that Evil Lucy wants to hook up with Joey - she needs a drink! So, she goes to the Vic and starts using her sonic shriek but it's not very effective.

Her parents then man-handle her out of the pub and back home. At which point Max and Tanya start shouting at each other and Lauren tells both of them to get out. Lauren asks the valid question of whether they can just talk but even that turns into a one-up contest. It's hard to say who looks worse.

Kirstie isn't at work in any serious way and goes home to do the pregnancy test that Kat was kind enough to thrust into her hands earlier but we don't know what the result was... and then she sees some manner of altercation between Carl and Max on the street after Carl had been ringing the doorbell.

Tanya presents the prospect of rehab to Lauren with some actual tact but Lauren seems quite adamant that she doesn't need help and also points out that it didn't work out too well last time.

It seems Carl has been telling porkie pies to Max and good ol' Caveman Max has swallowed them hook, line and sinker... shouting ensues! If shouting was exercise, Walford would be the healthiest place in the world. Max goes a little bonkers for the purposes of plot convenience, so that he can spill the contents of the bin onto the floor - the bin where Kirstie put the pregnancy test... Seriously, who empties a bin bag in a fit of rage in their own kitchen?

Tanya feeds her daughter some bland platitudes about how it will all be better. No it won't - this is Walford.

Kirstie acts in the most unspeakably suspicious way - the kind of way people only act in soaps - as regards the binbag, going so far as to try and pull it from Max's hands with no explanation and then managing to spill even MORE of its contents on the ground... and then very conspicuously picking up the pregnancy test and holding it in her hand.

Having clearly gotten a taste for grappling earlier, Max forcibly grabs her and all but hurls her to the ground where she drops the negative pregnancy test...

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