Monday 1 April 2013

Monday 1st April 2013

Just as well Liam is in a private room because Bianca is sitting by his bed through the night!

Jack receives a letter and is instantly able to discern it is serious!

Arfuuuuuuuuuuuur gets awkward and we find out Dot will be in the dock at the end of the week, DUN DUN DUN!

Liam is told that DA GANG is off DA STREETS... but for how long?! Bianca tells him it's over... which seems a trifle naive.

Ava seems to have moved in with the Butchers... wow. Now there's a fate worse than death. Especially when you've got Misery Guts Carol trying to cheer you up.

Liam showing at least some more intellect than his slow witted father is aware that DA GANG might be off DA STREET but they'll be after him... and somehow Bianca thinks that she will be able to defend her son from a gang of knife wielding YOUFFFFFFF with nothing to lose. She's clearly delusional.

ZE SOCIAL are going to give Lola increased visitation rights with a view to returning Lexi to her... as you can imagine, King Phil is not best pleased at this news and evil cogs are already turning in his head. So, instead of just stopping round to tell Lola this the social worker tells King Phil and then when he looks obviously distressed at the news of losing Lexi and having previously tried his best to make sure she doesn't get her back - something that SS Officer Joyless is fully aware of - she just believe him and then says "Don't tell them before I do". Which makes you wonder why ZE SOCIAL would have a system in place where you're told you're having a meeting and then not told that it's one about increased visitation?

Dot is still worrying, although this seems to be manifesting itself as her acting as if she's just smoked some crystal meth and for some reason Arfuuuuuuuuur has to run interference for the Dot on the vicar?

Billy Idiot goes to the cafffffff and King Phil twirls his moustache as his evil plans begin to unfold.

Dexter Fletcher seems to be demonstrating some common sense by staying with the infinite Branning clan. He and Ava disagree about how things went, she wants to move out of town but Dexter Fletcher wants to stay.

Billy Idiot not only got Lola all excited by saying the meeting was probably good news but then almost drops the ball about King Phil suggesting the meeting might be about Lola almost running away with Lexi... he just about manages to gloss over that though. Even he can't be an idiot ALL the time, it would seem.

Bianca shouts at Ray for some reason... because that's her way.

Billy Idiot comes round to the Arches with something out of a skip and tries to impress King Phil but this only draws his ire and a predictable conversation about the merits of their parenting occurs... well, it would be more accurate to say a trading of insults about the fact both of them have failed utterly at being fathers.

Billy Idiot returns to Lola all angry but knowing that King Phil could say the sky is green and ZE SOCIAL would believe him, Lola tells him to have a big helping of humble pie and go and throw himself on King Phil's mercy.

Arfuuuuuuuur having come clean to the vicar, said man of God goes to talk to Dot about her woes.

Ava wisely rejects parenting advice from Cora.

Bianca blubbers because she needs to balance out all that shouting with crying. Her new great idea is giving up her only source of income! Even Kat points out that's stupid.

The vicar tells Dot to stop being prideful and admit her faults. Good Easter message!

Ava suffers more meandering pontifications from Cora. Boring.

Billy Idiot comes around to grovel but King Phil is predictably unimpressed, culminating with Phil telling him not to pick Lexi up as she's just eaten and then him ignoring this and she throws up on him.

Ava decides to move into everyone's favourite place - the B&B. They should turn the place into a block of flats!

DCI Walford comes with the inevitable "Actually, we've not locked anyone up for that stabbing!" WHAT A TWIST. Worthy of M. Night Shamalamadingdong himself. Liam gives a sad face.

King Phil and Billy Idiot are arguing over a flat pack - which apparently only has instructions in Danish, which seems about as likely as this being the best Christmas Walford has ever had - when Lola arrives and apparently her women's intuition is working overtime because she immediately goes upstairs and is aware that something is wrong with Lexi and it has to be serious as we get the DOOF DOOFS! DUN DUN DUN! Because parents aren't hypersensitive about their children's health and often assume something is wrong when it isn't!

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