Tuesday 23 April 2013

Tuesday 23rd April 2013

Guess who's at the club? JANINE! She's clearly making up for lost time - also, she's actually taking an INTEREST in her business! Good grief. That does rather beg the question of why she had her property business boarded up during her absence but the less logic the better!

Masood is STILL supplying the caffffffffff with curry because he has bags of time between his job as a postman, tutoring Liam and having a life of his own... and he's trying to impress Carol. Remember that subplot?

Speaking of subplots, remember how Liam's truancy was an issue that threatened to get Bianca sent back to jail? The Crayon Crew don't because he's helping on the stall.

Janine and Sharon are already rubbing each other up the wrong way as Janine wants to see the accounts. The accounts for March... it's almost the end of April! Not to mention that with the club getting about eight people in a week, it's probably not exactly a difficult task.

Kat is giving Count Moonula a peptalk on how they won't make him hand over Scarlet to Janine... yes, Kat is the first port of call when it comes to legal expertise. That's probably why she didn't bother with a solicitor!

More friction between Masood and Carol - perhaps it's about to erupt into passion... because it's not as if he  snubbed her for a younger and more attractive girl before and she has a thing with Parole Officer Perv... oops, that would be logic again, wouldn't it?

Sharon moans about Janine's return to Phil like a petulant child but when he suggests confronting Janine, she says no... yes because you've clearly got this TOTALLY under control!

Awkward scene with Dexter Fletcher and Cora!

Tiff has received an MP3 player but from WHO?!

Count Moonula is consulting with a lawyer! Ohoh, turns out Janine might have rights. This comes to something of a shock to Michael.

Ian is staring forlornly at the emporium... good grief, this storyline is dull.

Liam manages to coerce his sister into revealing that the MP3 player came from someone in... DA GANG! DUN DUN DUN!

Count Moonula's lawyer tells him that the best thing to do is mediation and that going to court will cost thousands, even tens of thousands... and having barely enough money to pay a babysitter, he's very keen to pursue a lengthy and costly legal action because he's kind of an idiot like that.

Jean is apparently channelling the savant aspect of her mental illness today as Phil has recruited her to do the accounts for Sharon. Oh and Sharon has realised she's a terrible moment but instead of agreeing with her, Phil advances his plan to marry her by mollycoddling.

Liam comes clean about getting death threats.

Masood grovels to Carol, which apparently works. Michael lies to Kat by saying everything is OK with the lawyers.

King Phil's wooing of Sharon seems to be going well. Which is bad news for anyone that just had their tea as the gruesome twosome share not one but two kisses. Phil repeats the old "we were meant to be together" schtick - because obviously it sounds a lot better the hundredth time...

Liam wants to go and live with Thicky to avoid DA GANG - seems pretty sensible, really.

Another awkward Dexter Fletcher and Cora scene!

Janine notes that Kat isn't qualified to offer legal advice - finally, someone noticed!

Bianca seems to have an incredibly misplaced belief in the competence of the Walford PD... A police department so chronically incompetent, that they aspire to catch a cold....

Sharon (and her hair) turns up at Phil's doorstep to give us a truly stomach churning display followed by nightmare fuel. DON'T HAVE NIGHTMARES!

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