Thursday 11 July 2013

Thursday 11th July 2013

Jack has a go at Michael for using all the shampoo and bodywash.

Ian is giving out stuff in front of the restaurant for some reason and then does his best dramatic gulp when Sam gives him a quote for the repairs. Oh, if ONLY he had some kind of POLICY that was INSURANCE against this! Wait! He does! He's just not using that money because he's an idiot.

Speaking of the restaurant, Jean is still brooding - sufficiently that Poxy notices.

Jack has another go at Michael, who says he's going to move back  in with Janine.

Ian takes to the streets, selling his croissants and such... cue him looking suspicious when Carl goes by and then obviously lying to Peter.

It seems that the new comer Betty is quite taken with Patrick.

Tiff has fallen in love - which has prevented her from eating, it seems.

Michael attempts to schmooze Janine but Mr. Hollyoaks appears. DUN DUN DUN!

Kirstie is still trying to pursue Max and is rebuffing Carl... yawn.

Sam has a brilliant plan - drinks in the Vic with Ava and Dexter... what could possibly go wrong?

It seems a dance with Betty has tired old Patrick out. He's not too keen on her sedate tastes.

Michael gets the lowdown on Mr. Hollyoaks. DUN DUN DUN!

Bianca moans when Carol - having divined that Tiffany is in love - implies she's a bad mother... It would appear she missed the part where her son joined a gang and got stabbed.

Jean is fretting about her wrongdoing but Dr. Kat is on hand to prescribe some time in the allotments for that.

Janine and Michael do some more game playing, this time with Mr. Hollyoaks being the piece.

Patrick - being a grown man in the twilight of his life - requires advice from Kim on how to tell Betty he's not interested.

Dexter doesn't react well to his father's proposal... there's a surprise!

It's time for a polite menacing interlude, brought to you by Carl. The incredibly slow Ian is finally told by the man himself that he didn't do anything to the restaurant and seems positively shocked... why would he kill the goose that laid the golden egg? Oh and somehow mentioning Kirstie makes Carl backoff?

It seems Mr. Hollyoaks is sufficiently smooth talking to keep Janine onside...

Michael makes up with Half-Day Alice for about the hundredth time... yawn.

Kim is trying to matchmake Patrick and Cora with all the guile of a twelve year old.

A trip to the allotment sorts Jean's brain right out.

In addition to being forgiven by her, Half-Day Alice also welcomes the perpetually petulant Michael back into her home... that's nice of her.

The polite menacing Carl comes back... it seems mentioning Kirstie was not the best of ideas. In fact, it was such a bad idea that it has escalated Carl into a situation that could endanger Ian's physical well being... although, he seems more confused than afraid.

What better place for Jean to find a fellow loon than the allotment, eh? Jean seems less than heartened by his unsolicited advice.

Ian runs home to run his hand under the tap, which allows Peter to see his burns... if only he could go to the police, eh?

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