Friday 12 July 2013

Friday 12th July 2013

It seems Ian is rejecting any help for his hand - leading Lucy to conclude he is going mental again.

Liam's trial is about to happen and who should walk in while Bianca is angsting about this but the boy himself... what happened to all the "we won" talk, eh? It just shows you how hollow those claims of victory were - so insubstantial and hyperbolic that even the Crayon Crew is back tracking on them.

Ohoh, it seems that they're trying to set up Cora and Patrick - this involves setting the two up to meet at the allotment while lying to Betty. DUN DUN DUN!

Michael is moving back in... Joey is not best pleased at this news.

So, finally Peter manages to browbeat Ian into admitting there's a problem and they actually get to sorting the problem. Peter suggests that the only way to pay-off Carl is Lucy and then, Ian has a cunning plan!

Dexter is struggling with the prospect of his father departing because of those car parts arriving - he doesn't have to leave, Dexter. You can fix his car and he can stay...

Liam requires a peptalk from Bianca before his trial but that doesn't work.

Ian's genius plan apparently involves wining and dining Evil Lucy!

Janine is already getting Hollyoaks to do her dirty work by evicting people from her flats - why would he do that, isn't he an investor or something?

Patrick and Cora arrive at the allotment so close together they must have been going up the path hand-in-hand but as soon as they enter, they're locked in... because that isn't the most hackneyed ruse in writing.

Lil' Liam needs ANOTHER peptalk, this time it's from Shirley. Her line of reasoning is a bit dubious - Liam didn't stab her, therefore he should testify.

Evil Lucy seems concerned about her father's announcement but Peter placates her.

It seems Shirley's peptalk worked and it's off to court for Liam.

Joey not wanting Michael in the house results in him shouting at Alice.

Using her keen detective skills, Cora deduces that her predicament is down to Kim and Abi but Patrick doesn't seem too worried as there is rum.

Joey comes to threaten Michael but that battle of wits is predictably short and allows Michael to get back to google stalking Mr. Hollyoaks, who we then see putting something through Billy Idiot's letter box... and why he's stupid enough to leave a convertible Ferrari sitting around in Walford is anyone's guess, two seconds and that thing would be keyed, two minutes and it wouldn't have any wheels.

Patrick and Cora get their own back on their matchmakers by pretending to kiss as Kim and Abi enter, which makes them run off for some reason but this leads to the revelation that Patrick actually DOES want to be with Cora. That might be what they call dramatic irony.

It seems that Mr. Hollyoaks has been telling porkies and Michael is only too happy to tell Janine that she is being led up the garden path.

Sam and Dexter do some more reconciliation, with Sam giving Dexter the keys to his flat. He certainly came around pretty quickly.

The trial went just fine, it seems... oh and Masood is off somewhere...

Mr. Hollyoaks manages to get rid of Janine's trouble tenants and then is forced to fess up but Janine seems fine.

Ian's clever plan is to just ask Evil Lucy for the money. Unsurprisingly, she doesn't react well to being led on and after the requisite amount of shouting - storms off... So, that was Ian's genius plan? Just asking her straight up for money? Actually, Lucy brings up Ian not going to the police, that seems like a pretty valid point although Ian's defence now seems to have moved to it being his word against Carl's... surely the pilfered cash is a factor in this recalcitrance to involve the authorities?

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