Friday 19 July 2013

Friday 19th July 2013

It's Bobby's buuuuufday and the Beale family is still not happy.

Michael moans about Scarlet's birthday to Kat.

Ian tries to build bridges with Peter but to no avail... time for a team talk with Denise, who reminds him about Carl... apparently, that'll be sorted by reunifying the Beale family. Fortunately, Janine comes in and her snide remark prompts Ian to have a good idea... let's hope it's better than the last one which went about as well as trying to put out a fire with petrol.

Bianca chides her love sick daughter... could it be that her paedo ex is involved?

Janine thinks a first birthday needs a big hoorah. She's damaged goods.

Billy Idiot being the pivotal lynchpin of Janine's business empire (who gets fired once or twice a month) is being sent off to the far flung reaches of said empire... which upsets Lola.

Ian suggests a party for the new head  Bobby to win Evil Lucy back but she seems  less than sold.

The eternally poor Lola is looking especially freakish as she bosses Cora and Abi into doing something for Lexi's buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurfday. Who cares?

Michael downsizes his daughter's buuuuuuuurday.

Grandad and Poxy are doing great! Just look at Alfie's face!

Scarlet's birthday requires a Shetland pony.

Oh and it seems EVERYONE is having a birthday party today...  Lexi, Scarlet, Bobby... bad things come in threes.

Looks like Shirley is down to pocket change... it makes you wonder how it came to this. Thank goodness it's all a nebulous mystery that just dropped out of the sky! Ohoh, she's shoplifting!

Oh, looks like the party (for Scarlet) has taken a wrong turn as Janine invited the wrong people. Oops.

At Lexi's party... Lola is looking positively orange. Phil even points out it's not her real birthday - so why the hell is this happening today at the drop of a hat.

Ian tries to use his son's birthday as an opportunity to build bridges, evil Lucy seems less than convinced.

Awkward Kat and Alfie scene!

Ian "apologises" to Evil Lucy... which apparently wins Peter over. Even Lucy seems a little convinced.

It seems even the Crayon Crew realise how stupid this episode is as Bianca comments on the ridiculous prevalence of childrens birthday parties.

Awkward Michael and Janine scene!

It turns out that Tiffany's secret love is Bobby... DUN DUN DUN!

Janine can't handle Michael and her being all family friendly.

Ian and Bianca warn their children off one another and then the ever toxic Sharon turns up and it seems her son is following in her footsteps by thieving one of Bobby's presents on his way out!

Tango Lola finds out they DID sort a party for Lexi... even though it's not her birthday and she'll be too young to remember it, making it all entirely pointless.

Lucy finds out Ian was telling porkies about wanting a party!

Shirley - having money problems as she does - decides the best thing to do is quit her job!

Lucy tells Ian - in essence - that he's dead to her... maybe if she ate something her mood would improve?

Alfie drops the marriage bombshell on Kat. She doesn't take it too well.

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