Monday 11 February 2013

Monday 11th February 2013

Bianca is beleaguered again. Her kids have reappeared and are doing their best bargain bin impersonation of the kids from Outnumbered... She has just seen Morgan's "tagging" (because he's a black kid inner city kid and that's what they do!) when Kat swans in, doing her best Christmas turkey impersonation to date... and of course, Bianca promises to get Twitney a new top and paying for Liam to go on a school trip - despite having said she hasn't two pennies to rub together.

Saint Alfie congratulates Kat and Bianca about their stall, then goes to tell Poxy about his good deeds. She's not too happy about the loan... or even looking at Kat... and she takes this out on Kirstie (now inexplicably NOT caked in make-up) who has returned... but then, you have to wonder what kind of response you're going to get when you leave your job MID-SHIFT. Even Poxy isn't stupid enough to take her back... and that's saying something.

Kirstie having burnt her bridges at the Vic has to be subject to a long, boring cricket story from Patrick... so pointless that even Kirstie has to ask what the point is at the end... which is to be nice. Steady on, Patrick - this is Walford. This works though, as Poxy hires her back.

Kat and Bianca make their first sale... and apparently that first tenner is going to Liam's school trip... Let's hope nothing goes awry to thwart that ambition and break that promise... and it's not as if Liam had his own job or anything. Then Poxy comes along to drop off the baby... for reasons.

Cue Kat giving her money to Bianca and saying "money doesn't matter"... a sentiment generally reserved for rich people who are insulated from the daily grind and not struggling single mothers, living on the charity of others. She uses  Tommy's sniffles as an excuse to call Alfie round as she pretends he was more poorly... in which case, you should have called a doctor, not a cheeky publican! It seems as if Alfie can smell the desperation though and it's about as appealing to him as a horse flavoured ready meal.

The probation officer comes a callin' and goodness, Carol (not knowing he's there) calls out asking if "the nosy probation clown" will be there soon. Side-splitting. Despite that setback, everything has apparently gone fine - which is why it should come as no surprise when Liam comes home in the custody of two of Walford's finest... and he's guilty of repeated truancy... which is a shock to her (despite the fact she'd have received multiple letters and phonecalls about it) and there's a fine... OR IT'S BACK TO PRISON!

Tamwar is mopey because Zainab left... how would anyone notice? The only way to cure this is university... but Tamwar mopes about the evils of tuition fees. So they require money and apparently now with new evil regional manager (adhering to the rules and the law - the heartless bastard), they can't just give jobs to family and friends, they have to give them to qualified people! Although, work in the Minute Mart seems to mostly be gossiping and leaving the counter unattended.

Tamwar is more upset about the absence of his mother (and brother) than Masood... but suggesting university again fixes that.

A Lola and Pointless Poppy plot? IN THE SALON! That's sure to set hearts racing... to stop.

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