Friday 30 August 2013

Friday 30th August 2013

The episode leaps to an insipid beginning with Dexter berating Jay and then Lola telling Peter he should have told people about getting the person we've never heard about killed.

Jean is sitting on the bench in the centre of the Square... GRIPPING!

Billy Idiot lives up to his namesake by being surprised that Gold Digger isn't returning his calls.

It seems the holiday is over, what with the stolen money... and then Peter makes Lola feel better by talking more about the person who died. Lola being a teenage mother gives her insight into losing a teenage son, you see!

Jean has gone missing!

Dextah has decided the gang need to join up to find the money...

Jean is all upset about her relationship being over - even though she's just assuming it's over.

Everyone tries to play Columbo but they finally decide that the guy who bought the car stole the money. They then decide that even Dextah, Peter and Jay are no match for a friend of the mighty King Phil and decide to kidnap his daughter. No. Seriously, that's their plan. Until Abi speaks up.

Ollie has returned! Yawn.

Abi's plan is to get the tavern wench to text her father! Which results in him turning up and leaving the keys in the car, so that Jay can steal it WITHOUT breaking the window (that was handy!)... oh but the car won't start because hey, why NOT add another cliche? Oh but that was just to generate false tension because as soon as Dextah jumps in - it starts just in the nick of time. If anything, it's a miracle they don't have the father shaking his fist at them. Thank goodness the camping trip is over.

Billy Idiot's gold digger blows him off and he actually - having been told several times and seen all the signs - finally manages to put it together. What an idiot.

Ollie is OK with Jean being bipolar.

Da yoooooooooooooofffffffffffffffff return but King Phil is not happy.

Billy Idiot admits to Kim what a pathetic joke he is.

King Phil is not best pleased with Dextah

It seems Jean is having one of her manic episodes and Ollie is concerned. This upsets Jean.

Abi and Jay drama. Yawn.

King Phil wants to know who has his money. He's not too happy about not having it and goes all scary on Dextah to get the point across.

In yet another shocking plot twist, who should have the money but shifty Cyndi 2... Real M. Night Shymalan stuff there.

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