Monday 19 August 2013

Monday 19th August 2013

Sadie has opened her revamped salon, just as Count Moonula walks by talking about buying a gym. Improbably, Sadie addresses him (seemingly without irony) as handsome. Oh and Hollyoaks is in his office because Janine is his new business partner. DUN DUN DUN!

Denise is working for Ian now!

Moonula confronts Jack and he apparently did this to spend more time

Kat and Bianca on a double date... isn't that a sign of the apocalypse?

Pointless Poppy is now suspicious that Arfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrr is cheating on her, unfortunately no one cares.

Moonula expresses his displeasure to Janine... the game continues!

The opening of the salon continues and the standard is set suitably low by presence of Kim... and it seems Ian is taking Denise for granted. Again.

Moonula's next move is telling Dot that the drafty warehouse is getting an overhaul to remove her husband's likeness and name from it... she doesn't take this too well.

Carl comes to not so politely menace Ian for his money and isn't taking no for an answer... and of course, Peter doesn't work out that he's still getting paid protection money despite the fact his father doesn't answer his question about what Carl was doing in the cafffffffffffffffffff.

Dot has a pop at Jack but he seems to have an answer for everything, she isn't best pleased.

Oh, lawks - the double date... Make it stop!

Denise is getting run off her feet at the salon as Pointless Poppy tells porkies to win a bonus and continues to be suspicious about Arfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur.

Carl's master plan seems to have been set in motion... yawn! Just what the show needed, at least three weeks of another Branning centred plot.

Jack tells Michael he's not impressed by his attempts at manipulation. Yawn.

Denise continues to be run ragged as Ian desperately tries to find someone else to serve canapes... there are about five people in the salon in a space smaller than most people's bathroom - HOW IS THIS DIFFICULT FOR HER?!

Kat and Bianca bicker about which man they're going to get because Kat has the attractive physiotherapist and Bianca has the rather more plain consultant who is baffling her with science talk... but the physiotherapist overhears them and does what someone should have done a long time ago and informs them they're terrible people.

A low ebb for Denise when Kim has to point out Ian is taking her for granted.

Dot gives Michael a peptalk - she tells him life isn't a game! Oh and she throws in a "think of the children!"

Pointless Poppy's diabolical plan comes to fruition as Sadie overhears Lola giving someone a 35% discount. No bonus for her!

Ian turns up after everyone has gone to give Denise another "I've made a huge mistake" face when he leaves, a day late and a dollar short.

Pointless Poppy's paranoia persists!

Having listened to Dot's advise, Michael decides to rise about Janine's ability to buy a business over the weekend... it seems strange both that the business could take place at the weekend (as that's when Jack decided, apparently) and that Hollyoaks looking at the books occurred AFTER the purchase... do the Crayon Crew not know what due diligence is? Oh and wasn't Hollyoaks expertise in property? Why would he and Michael need to learn to work together?

Walford's most improbable couple are now through...  it took Denise a LONG time to come to her senses.

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