Tuesday 27 August 2013

Tuesday 27th August 2013

Despite being glistening clean the other day - Dexter and Lola are cleaning the car as Abi is worrying about the absence of Jay.

Jean's mania continues!

Lola's flirting with Peter continues before she worries about Lexi and then a generic car washing scene ensues. Sigh.

Kim tells Billy Idiot he's shooting for someone out of his league... Improbably she agrees to lunch in the Vic, which leads Billy Idiot to think it's a sure thing.

Peter has been going on about Cyndi 2 (off-screen). Always good to inform people of things rather than showing them and Jay and Abi continue to be awkward!

Alfie tries to convince Poxy Jean's manic and should tell DCI The Bill.

Dexter has gotten all dressed up to impress the tavern wench. Oh, she's the daughter of the person they're selling the car to! WHAT A TWIST!

Jean's mania continues!

It seems "Bob" is getting a bit of a deal on the car... ten grand? And wasn't it only five before?

Cyndi 2 and Lola do a bit of bonding... but who cares? Then she says sorry to Peter, who isn't receptive but then Cyndi 2 alludes to... THE SECRET!

Alfie continues to fret about Jean's mania.

The car deal goes through and Dexter continues to try and woo the tavern wench.

Kim - at odds akin to winning the lottery three weeks running - says another intelligent thing in the episode by pointing out Billy Idiot isn't going to impress Tara with market tat. Then ruins it by saying he needs to buy her a gift... because buying affection is so classy. Oh but Tara approves of the shirt.

Jay and Abi angsting about her being preggers - yawn.

Lola - looking more orange than usual - continues to flirt with Peter. Yawn.

Billy Idiot is in the Vic, where he shows to Alfie what an idiot he is while trying to impress Tara.

Abi asserts her being preggers WON'T BE OK!

For reasons of idiocy, Abi gets handed the money from the car deal and has to hide it.

Something is either wrong with the universe or Tara has ulterior motives because she seems attracted to him.

Lola has noticed something is up with Abi and Jay... and everyone disperses for obvious reasons of plot convenience.

The  unlikely flirting between Tara and Billy Idiot continues... just for Kim to walk in and demand payment for looking after Lexi. Allowing Kim to look after a child should be considered a serious form of abuse.

Abi wants an abortion - DUN DUN DUN!

Dexter flirting continues!

It seems Abi's man whore of a father has given her a rather jaded impression of Jay's abilities to provide and be faithful. Quelle surprise!

Poxy invites DCI The Bill to the wedding, to whit Jean says "IF THERE IS A WEDDING!" FORESHADOWING!

Oh and the caravan has been robbed.  DUN DUN DUN!

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