Thursday 8 August 2013

Thursday 8th August 2013

Everyone seems concerned about Lauren's sudden reappearance and the fact she's made breakfast but apparently Lauren needs her life back.

Pointless Poppy does not seem best pleased with her current situation as regards her new employer.

Lucy shuns Ian's attempts at reconciliation again.

Max wants to mollycoddle Lauren but she's having none of it - even going so far as to say he can't afford to throw business away... very true. Oh but then Lauren says "you can trust me". Alarm bells should be ringing.

Brainless Billy is trying to assert his power over Evil Lucy. "No more games." he says... and then she just sits down and refuses to clear out a filing cabinet.

Kat is pretending to be doing the books for the stall but really she has a letter from victim's liaison! DUN DUN DUN!

Twitney is worried about talking to Ava...

Lucy is surprised to see Lauren and it seems she wants to arrange super happy fun times - oh, right. No she isn't when she almost immediately brings up Joey. DUN DUN DUN! The Billy Idiot comes in to castigate an emotional Lucy.

Massages on the market! Sure, why not...

For some reason, Max is surprised that Lauren isn't home but rather seeing Twitney who gives her a hard time for expecting things to be the same. SHE WAS AWAY FOR A MONTH! It's not as if she came back ten years later and expected things to be the same. Oh and Tanya was calling but she didn't answer.

Max tries to warn Carl away from his faaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmleeeeeeeeeeee.

Lauren is off to see Joey and gives him a big hug but he seems less than enthused at her return which puts her in a bit of a mood.

It seems Janine has rather cooled on Hollyoaks, seeming rather standoffish about a new deal she has.

Abi says Lauren almost broke the family - that's a bit harsh. Lauren is only about half responsible for the family's problems but the bottom line is things can't go back to normal just because she's stopped drinking.

All the womenfolk of Walford seem to be taking issue with the new salon owner... and Pointless Poppy tries to warn her this isn't a good plan but her boss knows what she's doing, apparently.

With Kat and Bianca having magically mended their relationship, it's time for Kat to confess that Ronnie is getting out of prison. DUN DUN DUN!

It seems Tiffany is practicing for a career as a journalist by recording Twitney without her knowledge or consent to get her the job at the playgroup back...

For some reason, Janine offers Lucy an opportunity for promotion.

Lauren is full on mope mode... she seems genuinely surprised that after everything she's done, people don't want to deal with her.

Elsewhere, Max is concerned about his daughter - there's a first time for everything!

Tiffany enacts her plan to get Twitney's job back!

Having followed Cora's advice, she talks to Twitney and Lucy - only to leave and shrug whe

AJ finds out the new salon owner was just leading men on for business purposes - WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED?! This seems to impress Kirstie... oh and Kat comes in, clearly wanting to talk to Alfie only to turn around and leave when she seems him canoodling with Poxy.

Lauren stops by to give Joey a hug and also telling him it's not his fault.

Twitney gets her job back - yawn.

A shocking reveal as we actually remember the extortion plot and Lucy has found out that Ian is fiddling the books to give Carl his money and she's going to tell Janine!

Lauren offers Max an ultimatum on whether she can stay in Walford. WHAT WILL HE DECIDE?!

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