Thursday 30 May 2013

Wednesday 29th May 2013

The Lips continues her tissue thin lies.

Tanya apologies to Dot for her daughter's thieving - then comes the shouting.

Deadbeat Dad tries to be civil to Ava and Dexter Fletcher - oh dear.

Kim decides to make a change. DUN DUN DUN!

Climate change certainly has made for weird weather in Walford as it's snowing at the end of June... no one even remarks upon this. Turns out Lauren is going to work in the laundrette with Cora.

The excitement turns up a notch when Dot's chance to become a church warden  are discussed. Although, they're scuppered when Pointless Poppy and ARFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR decide to help.

Tanya tells the hilarious lie to The Lips that Max is a good father... So good you wanted to bury him alive? And why does Kirstie wear hula hoops on her ears?

Ava browbeats her son into having lunch with her...

Lauren's laundrette experience drags on... maybe she'll be snowed in?!

Deadbeat Dad introduces himself to Max in the Vic, they both agree that Cora is a terrible person. Then Ava comes along to rain on their parade.

The Lips has a genius plan - CANCEL THE APPOINTMENT!

Kim is clearly upset about breaking up with Ray.

Deadbeat Dad gets a hilariously hypocritical message from Cora... you can't just swan into someone's life. Oh, right. You mean like you did, you daft old bat?

Dot schmoozes Poxy, to practice her "people skills" as envisaged by Pointless Poppy.

Kim's mental breakdown nears as she declares "NEW KIM IS COMIN'!"

Cora finally gets around to asking Lauren about her drinking problem but then Dot comes round. She's trying to sweet talk Cora but things inevitably go wrong when she sees Lauren - because apparently now Lauren STOLE the money... get a grip, Dot! You practically threw it at her.

Max - having been told by The Lips that the appointment was cancelled - turns up to shout his incoherent word slurry at a bewildered receptionist who is presumably struggling both with the incoherent noise he's making, the fact neanderthals are alive and well and that people wear hula hoops on their ears asks him to slow down. Before the receptionist can reveal the truth, Kirstie has a panic attack.

Ava  and Deadbeat Dad shouty shouty. Hey, remember when Ava seemed to be a normal person and not one of the cookie cutter Walford shrieking harridans? The Crayon Crew don't!

Kirstie does a runner from the clinic.

After having told Tanya that Lauren was a good girl, Cora finds her wallet a little lighter... and then we see the wayward teen with a bottle of wine. Clearly, Tanya's plan to stop her drinking was flawless!

Kim decides not to change her look - thus rendering the entire subplot... COMPLETELY POINTLESS!

Kirstie tries to come clean about the pregnancy but unfortunately, Max can't keep his mouth shut long enough to hear her confession. What a plonker.

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