Monday 20 May 2013

Monday 20th May 2013

King Phil laments the imminent emancipation of Lexi to Sharon, who tells him that nothing is going to change before she clippity clops outside in her hoofheels.

Janine is treating Half-Day Alice like a lackey - according to Billy Idiot... who "has to put up with it". Why? Because she's the only person stupid enough to hire you?

Sharon apparently thinks she spied Jack! DUN DUN DUN!

For some reason DA YOUFFFFFF have to push a car in the market, with Twitney looking at leathery as ever.

And ohoh, Jack really was back. Damnit.

Dexter Fletcher spies his Deadbeat Dad in the caffffffffffff... shouting would ensue if not for an extremely rare occurrence, a timely intervention and from Cora of all people!

Alice moans about Michael using her - it's a bit a late for that, dear... being a pawn in his machinations isn't a half-day job either!

Dexter goes to shout at his mother, presumably to give her a chance to shout some more.

Sharon is on THE DRUGS... but then, Joey interrupts!

Ava goes to have a go at Deadbeat Dad.

Janine tries to be nice to Alice by asking her out to lunch.

Turns out Jack just had a leak but then Sharon announces what kind of woman she is by saying she jumped in bed with Phil in the kind of manner that generally leads to a slap in the face but then she's all poe faced as she rushes off.

The King Phil and Jack stare at each other... that was anti-climactic.

Janine has apparently managed to arrange an intimate lunch for two in her own home at the drop of a hat... Complete with waiter... It makes a change from the caffffffffffffff, at least.

King Phil asks why Sharon didn't tell him about Jack being back. No real answer.

Turns out Alice doesn't like the fancy lunch and neither does Janine.

Proving he's unimaginably tolerant of the world's worst human, Jack tells Sharon he just wants what's best for her and doesn't want to hurt her feelings or anything.

Count Moonula is pleased with the progress Alice is making. DUN DUN DUN!

Kim expresses her bafflement to Billy Idiot about Ray and they then agree both agree to find out they stand with their love interests.

King Phil is being all fatherly with Dennis - which is good because Sharon has pretty much forgotten he exists.

Speaking of the world's worst human being, having mixed alcohol and pills (again), she shouts at Joey for having the impudence to ask where the hell she was.

Lauren  is drunk again - when did that happen?!

Lots of nothing and then King Phil returns home to find Sharon passed out and Lexi playing with a bottle of pills like a rattle. It's just disappointing she's not dead, AGAIN.

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