Tuesday 21 May 2013

Tuesday 21st May 2013

While totally expected, it's still very disappointing that Sharon is alive... King Phil demands to know if Lexi took any pills, despite the fact he found her playing with the bottle and the lid was on it... not to mention he asks the passed out Sharon if she took any and she then proceeds to count them... do people USUALLY keep count of how many pills are in a bottle? Needless to say, King Phil is not best pleased and storm out.

Billy Idiot and Ava are finally having their date - yawn. Oh and Ava says she doesn't want interruptions - so we can guess what's going to happen.

Ray and Kim are flirting again. Dull.

Jack disturbs Max and The Lips mid-coitus... in the portacabin. Whatever floats your boat, eh?

King Phil drops Lexi off on Lola... and Lola is suspicious.

Abi is apparently riled by seeing Lauren drunk, so she insists Jay stop work and take her to a film... Why would this regular turn of events get her in a state?

Jack has nothing to stay in Walford for... good. Now just get out.

Lola is so excited about having Lexi back, she calls Billy Idiot. This prompts him to go on about how he missed so much with her growing up - kind of like your actual kids that you never see or talk about. You'd think they'd rank higher than your granddaughter...

King Phil has rumbled Sharon! Unlike detective Tanya who went pretty much swallowed hook, line and sinker a ridiculous series of lies (some of which she knew were untrue) that Sharon concocted, King Phil is a little more discerning... Which is when Sharon turns nasty or maybe that should be nastier because the implication she's anything other than nasty is patently false.

Michael and Jack meet and Michael isn't best pleased at Jack disappearing. Goodness, that might be the closest we've gotten to consequences for someone's immediate and unannounced departure from the Square in a while...

Lola seems anxious about having Lexi and has so invited all her friends around, presumably for her breakdown later.

Sharon having been provided an opportunity to come clean, naturally continues to do the exact opposite. Which doesn't mean

Kim continues to flirt with Ray - sigh.

Joey - in danger of being overshadowed by the curtain he's standing next to - asks a drunk Lauren to accompany him on a walk.

Lola is still angsting about being a mother.

Sharon continues to be in denial but again, King Phil rumbles her transparent lies... ah, this is rather enjoyable... let's hope a public flogging and humiliating detox by being locked in a room is on the cards!

When Joey doesn't want to kiss, Lauren does some shouting! Then she runs off into the arms of uncle Jack. Just leave, Jack - no on wants you.

Billy Idiot apologises for saying he missed time with Lola. A strange step but it seems to imply Ava may not be as over her ex as she used to be.

The mute Amy somehow sees Jack - who should be a total stranger to her - and waves to him.

Are Kim and Ray back together, it seems like it.

Billy Idiot has cottoned on to Ava being fixated on her ex.

Sharon - despite having attended meetings - is unable to admit that she's an addict and after some chitchat, one of the greatest scenes in recent years occur. The horrifying person of Sharon being forcibly ejected from Phil's house by none other than the King himself!

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